Modern plastic works of art are created through the interplay of daily life and arts. 1968年、岡山県備前市伊部に生まれる。 中学生の頃から彫刻家に憧れ目指す。名古屋芸術大学彫刻課卒業後、陶芸修行し独立、現在に至る。 祖父、父、共に備前焼作家。祖父の「山本陶秀」はロクロの名手で人間国宝。 国際コンペなどにも積極的に出品。 第3回菊池ビエンナーレ(2009) 第9回国際陶磁器フェスティバル美濃(2011) 他、受賞入選多数 受け継いできた伝統を大切に、 自らの意匠を表現した新しい「備前」を世界に向けて発信していきます。 Biography Shunichi was born in 1968 in Ibe Bizen City Okayama Pref.. Aimed to become a sculptor since his junior high school days. Graduated from Nagoya art university, fine arts degree. Had training for pottery from his grandfather and father who are both Bizen yaki potters. His grandfather, Toshu Yamamoto, was an expert of turning the potter's wheel and was a living national treasure. Shunichi won prizes in various contests and participated in many art exhibitions.
パブリック・コレクション 大英博物館(英) アジアンアートミュージアム(米) 国際交流基金 |